Health & Safety Statement

Health & Safety Statement, Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh, Bishopstown, Cork.

Roll number: 62580U

School Patron: Presentation Brothers Schools Trust

Our Safety Statement, in accordance with Section 20, Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, outlines the policy of Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh which has been developed in consultation with the School Board of Management and school staff. It will be revised on a yearly basis or as required by changes in legislation and communicated to all staff through regular staff meetings and training programs.

We are committed to meeting all relevant statutory requirements that relate to occupational safety, health and welfare. We are committed to managing and conducting work activities in such a way as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety, health and welfare at work of their staff and others who may be affected by our activities. This will be achieved by the following (so far as is reasonably practicable):

  1. The provision of a safe place of work, including safe access and egress;
  2. The provision of safe plant and equipment;
  3. The provision of safe systems of work;
  4. The provision of welfare facilities;
  5. The provision of appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision;
  6. Determining and implementing appropriate preventative and protective measures;
  7. Having regard to the general principles of prevention;
  8. The provision of emergency plans and procedures;
  9. Reporting prescribed accidents and dangerous occurrences to the Health & Safety Authority;
  10. Obtaining, where necessary, the services of a competent person to advise on health and safety;

The detailed arrangements for achieving these objectives are set out in the main body of the Safety Statement. The Principal together with the Board of Management has overall responsibility for health and safety at the school. Staff share a responsibility with management in ensuring their own safety while at work. This Safety Statement requires the co-operation of all staff, visitors, contractors and others to enable Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh to discharge its responsibilities under the law.

Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh is committed to upholding the standards outlined in this Safety Statement. Sufficient authority and resources, both financial and otherwise, will be made available to enable staff to carry out their responsibilities in a reasonable and efficient manner. All staff will be made aware of and have access to this Safety Statement. The Safety Statement will also be available to third parties where appropriate. The Safety Statement will be reviewed annually in light of experience and future developments within the organisation.

Signed by Chairperson of the Board of Management.


Signed by Principal

Date: 26th August 2021