Homework Policy (Draft)
Homework Policy (Draft) of Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh, Bishopstown, Cork.
Roll number: 62580U
School Patron: Presentation Brothers Schools Trust
Homework is an important part of the learning and teaching experience for each student at Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh.
In line with the Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh Mission Statement, homework is a cooperative learning activity between students and teachers and requires the support of parents/ guardians in the home.
Homework is set by teachers during classes to reinforce and support the teaching and learning in the classroom.
In addition to written work set by teachers, homework may involve a range of other activities including, learning, research, oral work, revision, preparation, completion of projects, etc.
The amount and nature of homework varies by subject and by year and is at the discretion of the subject teacher.
Homework at Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh serves a number of functions:
- It consolidates and reinforces skills and understanding developed at school.
- It encourages students to develop the skills, confidence, self-discipline and motivation needed to study effectively on their own. In line with the Key Skills of Junior Cycle, this is vital given the importance of life-long learning and adaptability.
- It extends school learning, for example through additional reading or practice exercises.
- It sustains the involvement of parents/guardians in the management of students’ learning and keeping them informed about the work students are doing.
- It allows the students to manage particular exam course work.
The responsibilities of students, parents/guardians and teachers in relation to homework are set out below. This policy should be read in conjunction with other school policies. In particular: the PBST Schools Charter, the Coláiste and Spioraid Naoimh School Mission Statement, the school’s Code of Positive Behaviour, AEN Policy, Whole School Guidance Plan and other related policies and documents.
Role of Students
- Record all homework: written, learning, preparation, research assignments in the homework journal.
- Check for additional work or materials (on Google Classroom etc.) as instructed by their teacher.
- Complete homework to the very best of your ability and present it on time.
- Provide a written explanation from a parent/guardian when, due to exceptional circumstances, homework cannot be presented.
Role of Teachers
- Assign relevant homework in class, taking into account; age, ability and time available to students and the number of subjects being studied.
- Provide suitable feedback to students with regard to their homework.
- Communicate concerns in relation to homework to parents/guardians. Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh’s primary mechanism of recording incidents of incomplete homework is through VSWare. An optional note may also be recorded in student journal. Subsequently if concerns are ongoing this communication may occur by phone call or in-person meeting.
- Communicate ongoing concerns regarding individual student’s homework to their class teacher.
- Ensure that expectations in relation to homework are explained fully.
- Give a reasonable amount of time for completion of longer homework assignments.
- First year class teachers are required to check the student’s homework journal weekly.
- In line with the school’s Code of Positive Behaviour, to apply sanctions where relevant in relation to non-completion of homework
Role of Parents /Guardians
- Provide, where possible, a suitable location for study that is free from distractions and interruptions.
- Foster regular habits and encourage high standards in relation to the completion of homework.
- Monitor VSWare and the homework journal and sign the homework journal as appropriate.
- Parents of first year students are required to sign their son’s homework journal weekly.
- In exceptional circumstances, provide explanation for non-completion of homework.
Role of Principal, Deputy Principals and Year Heads
- Establish structures and procedures for the implementation of the policy.
- Monitor the implementation of the policy
Additional Educational Needs
Subject teachers collaborate with learning support teachers to ensure class tasks and homework are manageable and suitably differentiated.
Time for Homework and Study
We make the following recommendations on school nights for students at Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh:
Supervised Night Study
The school provides supervised night study on a paid basis for senior students, five evenings per week throughout the school year. Students who avail of this facility are expected to be punctual and work earnestly for the duration of the study time. Parents/ guardians are encouraged to monitor the progress made at supervised night study.
Review by School Staff: 13th Dec 2022
Review by Parents Association: 7th Feb 2023
Review by Students Council: 20th Feb 2023
Ratified by Board of Management: 27th March 2023