Day 1
On Saturday 1st February, our Transition Year students departed Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh at 8:00am. All the students were tired; they were all excited for the journey ahead to Madonna Di Campiglio, Italy. 83 students and 8 teachers boarded two buses and off we set for Dublin airport.
Our flight from Dublin was at 3.00pm, and everyone was excited to finally be on a plane to Italy for the ski trip. When we arrived, we collected our bags and made our two and a half hour journey to the ski resort.
Although we arrived at the hotel at 11:00pm Saturday night, the screams and cheers from the boys were fantastic to hear at the sight of the snow. Some even said that they had “never seen so much snow in their entire lives”. Driving through the streets late at night, on the way to the hotel, was like a winter wonderland. There were beautiful street lights and Christmas trees lit up in all their splendour. The Christmas vibe continued into the hotel, with a decorated Christmas tree and decorations.
We all enjoyed a cold plate. It was a very welcome spread after a long journey. However, it was well worth the wait. With full stomachs, we went to sleep exhausted, however we were all excited for the day ahead.
Day 2
Everyone woke up early, to a hearty breakfast. After breakfast, we had the ski fit for all students and teachers. This ran very smoothly, as everyone was very keen to get onto the slopes. The excitement was building as the minutes ticked by this morning.
On the slopes, the students were divided into their groups for the morning lesson at 11:00am – 1:00pm. Students learned to stand in their skis, move off gently on nursery slopes and learn to stop. As the day progressed, students were mastering the famous, ‘snow plough’ which they heard other students from past ski trips discuss in the yard and classes of CSN.
After lunch, which was delicious, all students were on the slopes again for the afternoon lesson from 3:00pm – 5:00pm. All students gained more confidence on their skis in their afternoon and there were plenty of smiles and excitement all round. Although, there were on occasions some spectacular aero dynamic manoeuvres which ended in a cloud of snow.
Looking forward to Day 3!