Pastoral Care in Coláiste an Spioraid Naoimh
Every member of staff contributes to student support in the school. The quality of pastoral care influences the ethos of the whole school. We have put in place a strong Pastoral Care structure to ensure that the learning, social, emotional and behavioural needs of our students are met.
Pastoral Care Framework
Class Teacher
Each class group has their own class teacher and they aim to provide a happy, successful working environment in which pupils of all abilities can flourish
The focus of the class teacher is on the whole student and their balanced growth and development.
- They get to know the students as individuals. They have an awareness of and support students with difficulties.
- Class teachers are usually the first point of contact for students and parents who have a concern.
- They work closely with individual subject teachers
Year Head
Each year group has a year head, Year Heads have both a pastoral and disciplinary role
- They are the key point of contact for their particular year group
- They liaise with the class teachers, with the Pastoral Care team and parents should an issue or concern arise regarding a student in their Year group.
The Pastoral Care Team
The Pastoral Care Team is made up of the Principal, the Junior and Senior School Deputy Principals and the Guidance Counsellors. The Pastoral Care Team meets once a week, or more often if required, to review the provision of additional assistance to pupils and to prioritise this care.
The Principal and Deputy Principals are kept informed by class teachers, Year Heads and Guidance Counsellors of potential difficulties and act, with the Pastoral Care Team, to decide what course of action to take with the student’s best interests at heart.
The school has a number of policies which outlines procedures to support students. Please refer to the following the Code of Behaviour, Anti-Bullying, anti cyber-bullying policies**
Guidance Counsellors
Counselling is an integral part of the Pastoral Care system. The school counsellors are available to support students in need and they liaise closely with the class teachers. This guidance and support is varied and includes exam stress management, career path advice and supporting students through personal difficulties.